Health & Medicine


CAND stands for Candidate CAND stands for Candidatus CAND stands for Canadian Association of Numismatic Dealers (Stoney Creek, Ontario, Canada)…

1 year ago


CAMELS stands for Child/Adolescent Anxiety Multimodal Extended Long-Term Study CAMELS stands for Carbon Assimilation and Modelling of the European Land…

1 year ago


CAMHPRA stands for California Association of Mental Health Patients' Rights Advocates

1 year ago


DBRM stands for Database Request Module DBRM stands for Developmental Biology for Regenerative Medicine (Stockholm, Sweden) DBRM stands for Database…

1 year ago


CAMSS stands for Cloud, Analytics, Mobile, Social, Security CAMSS stands for Center for Advanced Materials and Smart Structures CAMSS stands…

1 year ago


CANDA stands for Computer-Aided (or Assisted) New Drug Application

1 year ago


CAMHS stands for Child & Adolescent Mental Health Service CAMHS stands for Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (UK) CAMHS…

1 year ago


CAMOS stands for Cerebellar Ataxia with Mental Retardation, Optic Atrophy, and Skin Abnormalities CAMOS stands for Committee for the Analysis…

1 year ago


CAMTA stands for Chicago Area Music Teachers Association CAMTA stands for Canadian Association of Medical Teams Abroad CAMTA stands for…

1 year ago


CANDID stands for Citizens against Drug Impaired Drivers CANDID stands for Comparison Algorithm for Navigating Digital Image Databases CANDID stands…

1 year ago
Abbreviations And Their Meaning