Health & Medicine


DBDH stands for Danish Board of District Heating DBDH stands for Distally Based Dorsal Hand

2 years ago


DBDD stands for Du Bout des Doigts (French: Fingertips; arts) DBDD stands for Deutsche Beobachtungsstelle für Drogen und Drogensucht (German:…

2 years ago


DBDCDDH stands for Division of Birth Defects, Child Development, and Disability and Health (National Center for Environmental Health)

2 years ago


DBDDD stands for Division of Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities (NCEH)

2 years ago


DBAN stands for Darik's Boot and Nuke (floppy-based utility for wiping hard disks securely) DBAN stands for Dibromoacetonitrile (disinfection by-product)…

2 years ago


DBB stands for Deutschen Basketball Bundes (German: German Basketball Federation) DBB stands for Dynamic Bass Boost DBB stands for Design…

2 years ago


DBAS stands for Development Bank of American Samoa (est. 1969) DBAS stands for Dysfunctional Beliefs and Attitudes About Sleep DBAS…

2 years ago


DBB/OVLT stands for Diagonal Band of Broca/Organum Vasculosum of the Lamina Terminalis (endocrinology)

2 years ago


DBAE stands for Discipline-Based Art Education DBAE stands for Distribution Boissons Automatique Expresso (French beverage supplier) DBAE stands for Doctors…

2 years ago


CALC stands for Calculator CALC stands for Calculate CALC stands for Calculation CALC stands for Calculated CALC stands for Calculus…

2 years ago
Abbreviations And Their Meaning