Health & Medicine


DAPCO stands for Destiny and Purpose Community Outreach (Detroit, MI) DAPCO stands for Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Office (Philippines)

2 years ago


DAPI stands for 4',6-Diamidino-2-Phenylindole (double stranded DNA staining) DAPI stands for Delaware Adolescent Program, Inc. (Wilmington, DE) DAPI stands for…

2 years ago


DAREF stands for Diabetes Action Research and Education Foundation

2 years ago


DARB stands for Derry Area Recreation Board (est. 1975; Derry, PA) DARB stands for Dissimilatory Arsenic-Reducing Bacteria DARB stands for…

2 years ago


DARC stands for Deutscher Amateur Radio Club (German amateur radio club) DARC stands for Duffy Antigen Receptor for Chemokines DARC…

2 years ago


DARCOF stands for Danish Research Centre for Organic Food and Farming

2 years ago


DARD stands for Department of Agriculture and Rural Development (UK) Dard stands for Dardic (linguistics) DARD stands for Droit au…

2 years ago


DARE stands for Drug Abuse Resistance Education DARE stands for Dictionary of American Regional English DARE stands for Database of…

2 years ago


DASH stands for Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension DASH stands for Domestic Abuse, Stalking and Honour Based Violence (UK) DASH…

2 years ago


DATOC stands for Data Analysis and Tactical Operations Center (California citrus disease management) DATOC stands for Division Artillery Tactical Operations…

2 years ago
Abbreviations And Their Meaning