HZV stands for Hausarztzentrierten Versorgung (Family-doctor-centered Healthcare, Germany) HZV stands for Herpes Zoster Virus HZV stands for Herpes Zoster-Varicella
FZV stands for Fakulteta za Zdravstvene Vede (Slovenian: Faculty of Health Sciences) FZV stands for Funkfernbedienung für Zentralverriegelung (German)
JALSA stands for Jewish Alliance for Law and Social Action (Boston, MA) JALSA stands for Japan Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Association
DAVD stands for Dysplasie Arythmogène du Ventricule Droit (French: Arrhythmogenic Right Ventricular Dysplasia; heart disorder)
DAVG stands for Dispositif d'Assistance Ventriculaire Gauche (French: Left Ventricular Assistance Device; cardiology)
DAVI stands for Department of Audio-Visual Instruction (various schools) DAVI stands for Defense Against Viral Infection DAVI stands for Dynamic…