DATTA stands for Diagnostic and Therapeutic Technology Assessment (American Medical Association) DATTA stands for Design and Technology Teachers Association (Australia)…
DAVD stands for Dysplasie Arythmogène du Ventricule Droit (French: Arrhythmogenic Right Ventricular Dysplasia; heart disorder)
DAVG stands for Dispositif d'Assistance Ventriculaire Gauche (French: Left Ventricular Assistance Device; cardiology)
DAVI stands for Department of Audio-Visual Instruction (various schools) DAVI stands for Defense Against Viral Infection DAVI stands for Dynamic…
HZZZO stands for Hrvatski Zavod Za Zdravstveno Osiguranje (Croatian: Croation Institute for Health Insurance)
DAYS stands for Danish Atlantic Youth Seminar DAYS stands for Depression and Anxiety in Youth Scale (psychological test) DAYS stands…