Health & Medicine


DCANA stands for District of Columbia Association of Nurse Anesthetists (Washington, DC) DCANA stands for Department of Civil Aviation of…

1 year ago


DCCT stands for Diabetes Control and Complications Trial (NIDDK) DCCT stands for Distributed Computing and Communications Technology DCCT stands for…

1 year ago


DCBF stands for Data Cache Block Flush DCBF stands for Danish-Chinese Business Forum (Denmark) DCBF stands for Dorset Christian Business…

1 year ago


DCCR stands for Direct Current Conductor Rail (course; UK) DCCR stands for Déshumidification Commerciale Charles Rouleau (French: Charles Rouleau Commercial…

1 year ago


DCAPBTLS stands for Deformity, Contusion, Abrasion, Puncture/Penetrating Injury, Burns, Tenderness, Laceration & Swelling

1 year ago


DCARA stands for Denton County Amateur Radio Association (Denton, TX) DCARA stands for Deaf Counselling, Advocacy and Referral Agency

1 year ago


DCC stands for Data Compression Conference DCC stands for Digital Command Control (see NMRA) DCC stands for Dynamic Currency Conversion…

1 year ago


DCCP stands for Datagram Congestion Control Protocol DCCP stands for Drug Control and Crime Prevention (UN office) DCCP stands for…

1 year ago


DCARE stands for Dartmouth Center on Addiction, Recovery and Education (Dartmouth College; Hanover, NH) DCARE stands for Dalmatian Club of…

1 year ago


DCCL stands for Dynamic Compact Control Language (computing) DCCL stands for Dermatologisch Cosmetisch Centrum Leeuwarden (Dutch dermatology center) DCCL stands…

1 year ago
Abbreviations And Their Meaning