Health & Medicine


DAMHS stands for Director of Area Mental Health Services (New Zealand) DAMHS stands for Dandenong Area Mental Health Service (Australia)

1 year ago


DAIG stands for Deutsche Aids-Gesellschaft eV (German: German AIDS Society) DAIG stands for Department of the Army Inspector General DAIG…

1 year ago


DAMID stands for Dachverband Anthroposophische Medizin in Deutschland (German: Organization of Anthroposophical Medicine in Germany) DAMID stands for Development and…

1 year ago


DAIL stands for Disabilities, Aging and Independent Living DAIL stands for Disability Arts in London (UK)

1 year ago


CAFAB stands for Coercively Assigned Female at Birth

1 year ago


CADH stands for Convención Americana Sobre Derechos Humanos (Spanish: American Convention on Human Rights) CADH stands for Connecticut Association of…

1 year ago


CADTA stands for Child/Adolescent Day Treatment Attachment (Wisconsin health care)

1 year ago


CADHC stands for Coastside Adult Day Health Center (Half Moon Bay, CA) CADHC stands for Contract Adult Day Health Care

1 year ago


CADTC stands for Canadian Association of Drug Treatment Courts CADTC stands for Connecticut Anxiety and Depression Treatment Center (Farmington, CT)

1 year ago


CADHS stands for California Department of Health Services CADHS stands for Chattanooga Area Dental Hygienists' Society

1 year ago
Abbreviations And Their Meaning