Health & Medicine


CADHC stands for Coastside Adult Day Health Center (Half Moon Bay, CA) CADHC stands for Contract Adult Day Health Care

1 year ago


CADTC stands for Canadian Association of Drug Treatment Courts CADTC stands for Connecticut Anxiety and Depression Treatment Center (Farmington, CT)

1 year ago


DAHRT stands for Disabled Americans Have Rights Too (Seattle, WA) DAHRT stands for Dual-Axis Radiographic Hydrodynamic Test Facility DAHRT stands…

1 year ago


DAHT stands for Disembodied Animal Head Theatre DAHT stands for Demotic and Abnormal Hieratic Texts (database) DAHT stands for Dancers…

1 year ago


DALD stands for Dianzani Autoimmune Lymphoproliferative Disease (also seen as ALPS) DALD stands for Dotation d'Animation Locale Décentralisée (French: Decentralized…

1 year ago


ABVP stands for American Board of Veterinary Practitioners (Nashville, TN) ABVP stands for Akhil Bhartiya Vidyarthi Parishad (student union; part…

1 year ago


DAFEAT stands for Dayton Area Families for Effective Autism Treatment (Ohio)

1 year ago


ABVS stands for Automated Best Value System (DLA vendor past performance data scoring program) ABVS stands for Audit Bureau of…

1 year ago


DAFH stands for Dar Al Fouad Hospital (Egypt)

1 year ago


CACTHS stands for Canadian Academy of Chinese Traditional Health Sciences (Canada)

1 year ago
Abbreviations And Their Meaning