Health & Medicine


DADS stands for Department of Alcohol and Drug Services (Santa Clara, CA) DADS stands for Department of Aging and Disability…

1 year ago


DAdV stands for Duck Adenovirus DADV stands for Deutscher Antidiskriminierungsverband (German Anti-Discrimination Association) DADV stands for Dallas Association of Directors…

1 year ago


DADHC stands for Department of Ageing, Disabilities and Home Care (Australia)

1 year ago


DADL stands for Deputy Assistant Director of Labour (UK) DADL stands for Direction d'Appui au Développement Local (French: Directorate of…

1 year ago


DADE stands for Dual Air Density Explorer (US NASA) DADE stands for Differential Absolute Delay Equalization DADE stands for Decreasing…

1 year ago


DADRP stands for Day-Ahead Demand Response Program (New York) DADRP stands for Drug Abuse Demand Reduction Project (Nepal)

1 year ago


DABNM stands for Diplomate, American Board of Neurophysiologic Monitoring DABNM stands for Diplomate, American Board of Nuclear Medicine

1 year ago


DABMP stands for Diplomate, American Board of Medical Physicists

1 year ago


CACHE stands for Council for Awards in Children's Care and Education CAChe stands for Computer Aided Chemistry CACHE stands for…

1 year ago


CACH stands for Canyon de Chelly National Monument (US National Park Service) CACH stands for Carolina Chickadee CACH stands for…

1 year ago
Abbreviations And Their Meaning