Health & Medicine

Medicine, Well Being, British Medicine, Dental, Drugs, Hospitals, Prescription, Veterinary, Human Genome, Laboratory, Medical Physics, Neurology, Nursing, Oncology and Physiology.


CAMH stands for Centre for Addiction and Mental Health CAMH stands for Child and Adolescent Mental Health (various organizations) CAMH stands for Contemporary Arts Museum Houston (Houston, TX) CAMH stands for Comprehensive Accreditation Manual for Hospitals CAMH stands for Canadian Association for Mental Health CAMH stands for China Association for Mental Health (Beijing, China)


CAMFT stands for California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists CAMFT stands for Colorado Association for Marriage and Family Therapy CAMFT stands for Connecticut Association for Marriage and Family Therapy


DBPR stands for Department of Business and Professional Regulation (Florida) DBPR stands for Department of Business and Professional Regulation (Tallahassee, FL) DBPR stands for Disinfectants and Disinfection Byproducts Rule (US EPA) DBPR stands for Distribution Boulangerie Pâtisserie Restauration (French: Bakery Food Distribution) DBPR stands for Double-Blind Peer Review (research verification) DBPR stands for Microbiological and […]


CAMHAOA stands for California Mental Health Advocates for Older Adults


CAMHC stands for Capital Area Mental Health Center CAMHC stands for Comprehensive Accreditation Manual for Home Care CAMHC stands for Columbia Area Mental Health Center (Columbia, SC)


CAMHD stands for Child and Adolescent Mental Health Division (Hawaii Department of Health)


CAMIC stands for Chirurgische Arbeitsgemeinschaft Minimal Invasive Chirurgie (German: German Society for Visceral Surgery, Minimal Invasive Surgery) CAMIC stands for Civil Aviation Management Institute of China (Beijing, China)


CAMIEG stands for Caisse d’Assurance Maladie des Industries Électrique et Gazière (French: Health Insurance Fund of Electricity and Gas Industries)


CAMHPRA stands for California Association of Mental Health Patients’ Rights Advocates


CAMHS stands for Child & Adolescent Mental Health Service CAMHS stands for Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (UK) CAMHS stands for Compact Automatic Message Handling System