Health & Medicine

Medicine, Well Being, British Medicine, Dental, Drugs, Hospitals, Prescription, Veterinary, Human Genome, Laboratory, Medical Physics, Neurology, Nursing, Oncology and Physiology.


BCDC stands for Bay Conservation and Development Commission (San Francisco, California) BCDC stands for Baltimore City Detention Center (Baltimore, MD) BCDC stands for Business Cycle Dating Committee (business chronology) BCDC stands for Bureau of Communicable Disease Control (Massachusetts) BCDC stands for Bernalillo County Detention Center (New Mexico) BCDC stands for Baltimore County Detention Center (Maryland […]


BCDDP stands for Breast Cancer Detection and Demonstration Project


BCDE stands for Bureau of Communicable Disease Epidemiology (Public Health Agency of Canada) BCDE stands for Biological Concept Diagram Editor (biomedical research) BCDE stands for Battery Charge Discharge Equipment (US NASA)


BCDF stands for B Cell Differentiation Factor BCDF stands for Broadband Content Delivery Forum (AT&T, Nortel and others) BCDF stands for Bent County Development Foundation (Bent County, CO)


BCDH stands for Bath Cats and Dogs Home (UK) BCDH stands for Beijing Chaoyang Diabetes Hospital (China) BCDH stands for Bilateral Congenital Dislocated Hip (orthopedics)


BCDHA stands for British Columbia Dental Hygienists Association (Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada)


DAMR stands for Direction des Affaires Médicales et de la Recherche (French: Directorate of Medical Affairs and Research) DAMR stands for Denver Association of Manufacturers Representatives DAMR stands for Division for Audit and Management Review (UN)


DAMS stands for Delhi Academy of Medical Sciences (Delhi, India) DAMS stands for Driot-Arnoux Motorsport (French racing team) DAMS stands for Defense Acquisition Management System (US DoD) DAMS stands for Dental Amalgam Mercury Syndrome DAMS stands for Digital Asset Management System DAMS stands for Deputy Assistant Military Secretary DAMS stands for Drug Abuse Monitoring System […]


DAN stands for Daniel DAN stands for Danish DAN stands for Danville (Amtrak station code; Danville, VA) DAN stands for Dannenberg (Germany; auto license number plate) DAN stands for Defeat Autism Now (Autism Research Institute) DAN stands for Data Access Network DAN stands for Diabetic Autonomic Neuropathy (illness) DAN stands for Disability Advocacy Network (various […]