Health & Medicine

Medicine, Well Being, British Medicine, Dental, Drugs, Hospitals, Prescription, Veterinary, Human Genome, Laboratory, Medical Physics, Neurology, Nursing, Oncology and Physiology.


DAWBA stands for Development and Well-Being Assessment (psychiatric diagnosis tool)


DAWN stands for Drug Abuse Warning Network DAWN stands for Domestic Abuse Women’s Network DAWN stands for DisAbled Women’s Network (Canada) DAWN stands for Discipling A Whole Nation DAWN stands for Development Action for Women Network (Philippines) DAWN stands for Development Alternatives with Women in A New Era DAWN stands for Defense Attaché Worldwide Network […]


DAXX stands for Death-Associated Protein 6 (also seen as DAP6)


DAYS stands for Danish Atlantic Youth Seminar DAYS stands for Depression and Anxiety in Youth Scale (psychological test) DAYS stands for Diabetes and You Society (India)


HzSNPV stands for Helicoverpa Zea Single Nucleocapsid Nuclear Polyhedrosis Virus


HZZZO stands for Hrvatski Zavod Za Zdravstveno Osiguranje (Croatian: Croation Institute for Health Insurance)


HZZO stands for Hrvatski Zavod za Zdravstveno Osiguranje (Croatian: Croatian Institute for Health Insurance)


GZZZ stands for Gradski Zavod Za Zastitu (Serbia; municipal public health agency)


DART stands for Dallas Area Rapid Transit DART stands for Disaster Assistance Response Team DART stands for Disaster Animal Response Team DART stands for Diagnostic and Recovery Tool (software) DART stands for Dynamic Analysis and Replanning Tool (US DoD) DART stands for Dublin Area Rapid Transit DART stands for Dublin Area Rapid Transit (train service […]