Health & Medicine

Medicine, Well Being, British Medicine, Dental, Drugs, Hospitals, Prescription, Veterinary, Human Genome, Laboratory, Medical Physics, Neurology, Nursing, Oncology and Physiology.


DAIT stands for Disney-ABC International Television DAIT stands for District Assistance and Intervention Team (education) DAIT stands for Dedicated Automatic Internet Telephone (UK) DAIT stands for Développement et Aménagement Intégré des Territoires (French: Development and Integrated Development of Territories; UNESCO) DAIT stands for Days after Initial Treatment (medical treatment) DAIT stands for Defeat Agile Intelligent […]


DALK stands for Deep Anterior Lamellar Keratoplasty (corneal surgical procedure)


DALM stands for Drugs Affecting Lipid Metabolism (professional conference) DALM stands for Dysplasia Associated Lesion or Mass


DALS stands for Downed Aviator Locator System (US DoD) DALS stands for Dental Advanced Life Support (medical course) DALS stands for Director of Army Legal Services (various armed forces) DALS stands for Distributed Adaptive Learning System (web-based learning system) DALS stands for Distress Alerting and Locating System DALS stands for Draw-a-Line Slowly Test (impulsivity) DALS […]


DAMA stands for Dark Matter DAMA stands for Demand Assigned Multiple Access (NATO and International Standards) DAMA stands for Data Management Association (Lutz, FL) DAMA stands for Data Administration Management Association DAMA stands for Demand Activated Manufacturing Architecture DAMA stands for Discharge Against Medical Advice DAMA stands for Deutsche Arzneimittel-und Medizinprodukteagentur (German: German Medicines and […]


DAMC stands for Düsseldorfer Automobil- und Motorsport-Club (German automobile club) DAMC stands for Dublin Academic Medical Centre (Ireland) DAMC stands for Dynamique de l’Appropriation d’Une Maladie Chronique (French: Dynamics of Ownership of a Chronic Disease; program) DAMC stands for Danish Army Material Command (Denmark) DAMC stands for Dubai Autodrome Motorsport Club (United Arab Emirates) DAMC […]


DAMD stands for Directed Amplification of Minisatellite-Region DNA DAMD stands for Dream Automotive Development & Design (Japan) DAMD stands for Distributed Algorithmic Mechanism Design (computer science) DAMD stands for Digital Asset Management Database DAMD stands for Dis-Section Architecture, Media, Design (Philadelphia, PA) DAMD stands for Diabetes-Associated Microvascular Dermatoses DAMD stands for Development of ASEAN (Association […]


DAMHS stands for Director of Area Mental Health Services (New Zealand) DAMHS stands for Dandenong Area Mental Health Service (Australia)


DAMID stands for Dachverband Anthroposophische Medizin in Deutschland (German: Organization of Anthroposophical Medicine in Germany) DAMID stands for Development and Migration in International Dialogue (journal)