Health & Medicine

Medicine, Well Being, British Medicine, Dental, Drugs, Hospitals, Prescription, Veterinary, Human Genome, Laboratory, Medical Physics, Neurology, Nursing, Oncology and Physiology.


CAFAMP stands for Certificat d’Aptitude à la Fonction d’Aide Médico-Psychologique (French: Psychological and Medical Assistance Certificate)


CAFHC stands for Central Alabama Fair Housing Center CAFHC stands for Clean Air for Healthy Children (smoking cessation; Media, PA)


CAFHS stands for Child, Adolescent and Family Health Services


CADH stands for Convención Americana Sobre Derechos Humanos (Spanish: American Convention on Human Rights) CADH stands for Connecticut Association of Directors of Health (Hartford, CT) CADH stands for Communications and Data Handling


CADHC stands for Coastside Adult Day Health Center (Half Moon Bay, CA) CADHC stands for Contract Adult Day Health Care


CADHS stands for California Department of Health Services CADHS stands for Chattanooga Area Dental Hygienists’ Society


CADILLAC stands for Controlled Abciximab and Device Investigation to Lower Late Angioplasty Complications


CADIA stands for China Alcoholic Drinks Industry Association (Beijing) CADIA stands for Centro Argentino de Ingenieros Agronomos (Spanish: Argentine Center of Agricultural Engineers; Argentina) CADIA stands for Computer-Assisted Densitometric Image Analysis (bone density study)