Health & Medicine

Medicine, Well Being, British Medicine, Dental, Drugs, Hospitals, Prescription, Veterinary, Human Genome, Laboratory, Medical Physics, Neurology, Nursing, Oncology and Physiology.


CADIS stands for Calar Alto Deep Imaging Survey CADIS stands for Community Asset and Development Information System (Arkansas) CADIS stands for Consistent Adjoint-Driven Importance Sampling (variance reduction method used with Monte Carlo simulations) CADIS stands for Communication Architecture for Distributed Interactive Simulation CADIS stands for Coronary Artery Disease in Saudis (cardiology study; Saudi Arabia)


CADMS stands for Center for Animal Disease Modeling and Surveillance (University of California, Davis) CADMS stands for Certified Anger and Depression Management Specialist


CADN stands for Centre des Archives Diplomatiques de Nantes (France) CADN stands for Cellular Access Digital Network CADN stands for Cardiovascular Autonomic Diabetic Neuropathy CADN stands for Cultural Aspects of Design Network (University of California, Irvine) CADN stands for Congresso Acadêmico sobre Defesa Nacional (Academic Congress on National Defense, Brazil)


CADO stands for Chief Administrative Dental Officer CADO stands for Contract Award Documents Online CADO stands for Cost Allocation Distribution Options


CADPHC stands for Central Australian Division of Primary Health Care (Alice Springs, Northern Territory, Australia)


CADRD stands for Center for Alzheimer Disease and Related Disorders (Southern Illinois University)


CADRG stands for Compressed ARC (Arc-Second Raster Chart) Digitized Raster Graphics CADRG stands for Chemopreventive Agent Development Research Group (cancer)


CADS stands for Computer-Aided Design System CADS stands for Computer-Aided Dispatch System CADS stands for Cartridge Actuated Devices CADS stands for Cash Available for Debt Service (credit analysis) CADS stands for Canadian Association for Disabled Skiing CADS stands for Containerized Ammunition Distribution System CADS stands for Community Alcohol and Drug Services CADS stands for Computer-Assisted […]


CADSA stands for California Disability Services Association (Sacramento, CA) CADSA stands for Centre for Advanced Digital Screen Animation (now Film and Television Institute)