
Medieval English Girl Names With Meanings

Medieval Names for Girls: Medieval naming practices include giving your new born baby family names, religious Medieval name or Medieval Christian baby Girl names, Traditional Medieval Girl Names. Do you need help in searching for the perfect name for your baby Girl? Then, this list is for you! Make your pick from our list of Medieval Girl Names and Meanings for New Born Starting from A to Z.

Medieval English Girl Names And Their Meanings

Ahelis ― A woman of nobility

Ahelissa ― A noble born woman

Alice ― Truth, gracious, reality

Aurora ― A Roman Goddess; wonderful dawn and breezy

Ava ― A bird; a living organism of the ecosystem

Bricteva ― One who is fair gift

Bricthiua ― She is a gift

Bricthled ― She is from the lad of gifts

Elizabeth ― One who provides satisfaction and fullness

Emilia ― this name means to rival or emulate or excel.

Emma ― the meaning of this name is universal whole.

Gabriel ― God is my strength

Hildeth ― She who gives good battle counsel

Hildeyerd ― A young battle maiden

Hildiard ― She who fights in a battle

Hilditha ― She who gfights in the battles of war

Hildithe ― One who is in the battle

Hildred ― A counseler in the battle

Hilith ― She is a battle maiden

Hillaria ― A woman who is always cheerful and happy

Hillda ― A woman who is a soldier in the war

Hilleree ― A cheerful and happy maiden

Hismena ― A beloved and esteemed woman. Hismena is a Medieval variation of the name Ismay

Horenga ― A variation of the name Orenga

Lefleda ― A beutiful individual who is loved by others

Lefquen ― Cherised and beloved person

Lefquena ― Beautiful, powerful and beloved individual

Lefquene ― Darling and beaufitul person

Lefquenn ― Pleasing and dear woman

Lefqwen ― A woman of beauty, power and loved by all

Lefwen ― Dear and Joyous person

Lefwenna ― A person who is full of joy and beloved

Livith ― An individual who gladly participates in battles

Lucy ― English variation of Lucia, meaning light

Mawdelyn ― A medeval English girl name

Olivia ― The one who is closer to olive tree.

Plesantia ― A pleasant, delightful woman

Plesencia ― A charming, pleasant, friendly woman

Pollekin ― A daughter that was prayed for

Polli ― One who is like a sea of bitterness

Pollyana ― A rebellious child

Purnele ― One solid and strong as the rock

Purnelle ― One who can be comapared to a rock

Stella ― Star of the sea

Violet ― Purplre or purplr flower

Medieval English Girl Names With Meanings
Abbreviations And Their Meaning