
Nahuatl Girl Names With Meanings

Beautiful Nahuatl Female Names, Nahuatl Girl Names Alphabetical, Nahuatl Female Names And Meanings and Nahuatl orthodox baby Girl names.

Cute Nahuatl Female Names And Their Meanings

Anci ― A graceful woman.

Centehua ― The only one, unique.

Chalchiuitl ― Emerald

Citlalmina ― Greatest of all the female heroes.

Coaxoch ― Serpent flower

Cocoliloc ― She is hated

Coszcatl ― Jewel

Cualli ― Good, a good natured man.

Eleuia ― Wish, one who wishes good for everyone.

Eloxochitl ― The magnolia flower.

Etalpalli ― Nahuatl word for wing.

Huemac ― Name of a Toltec king.

Ichpochton ― Little daughter

Ichtaca ― Nahuatl word for secret.

Icnoyotl ― Nahuatl word for friendship.

Ihuicatl ― Nahuatl word for sky.

Ilhuitl ― Nahuatl word for day.

Itotia ― Dance

Iuitl ― Nahuatl word for feather.

Izel ― Unique and one of a kind.

Mahuizoh ― A glorious person

Malinalxochitl ― The grass flower.

Mecatl ― Lineage

Momoztli ― The altar

Moyolehuani ― The enamored one.

Necahual ― Survivor

Papan ― Nahuatl word for flag.

Quetzalxochitl ― A precious flower

Teichuih ― The younger sister.

Teicuh ― Someone’s older sister

Teoxihuitl ― The precious stone turquoise.

Tepin ― The little one.

Teuicui ― A term used for younger sister.

Teyacapan ― A term used for first born daughter.

Tlaco ― The middle born daughter.

Tlacotl ― The Osier twig

Tlalli ― A term meaning earth.

Xochiatlapal ― Flower wing

Xoco ― Youngest sister

Yaotl ― Combatant; Soldier; Warrior; Defender; Fighter; Rival

Yaoxochitl ― Marigold or flower of the enemy

Nahuatl Girl Names With Meanings
Abbreviations And Their Meaning