WZVL stands for West Zeeuws Vlaanderen (The Netherlands)
YZMC stands for Yokoji Zen Mountain Center
CAIV stands for Cost As An Independent Variable CAIV stands for Cold Adapted Influenza Vaccine CAIV stands for Confederacion de…
CAITS stands for Centre for Alternative Industrial and Technological Systems
CAITI stands for Canadian Association of Income Trust Investors CAITI stands for Centro Académico Industrial de Tecnologías de la Información…
CAIT stands for Center for Advanced Infrastructure and Transportation (US DOT; Rutgers University; Piscataway, NJ) CAIT stands for Center for…
CAIE stands for Cambridge Assessment International Education (UK) CAIE stands for Canadian Association of Importers and Exporters CAIE stands for…
CAIF stands for Coalition Against Insurance Fraud CAIF stands for Canadian Association of Income Funds (est. 2002; Toronto, Ontario, Canada)…
CAIG stands for Cost Analysis Improvement Group (US DoD) CAIG stands for Changhe Aircraft Industry Group (China) CAIG stands for…
CAIDC stands for Canadian Association of International Development Consultants (est. 1993) CAIDC stands for Computer-Aided Industrial Design and Conceptual Design…