
Local, National, International Organizations, Groups, Non-Profits, NGos and Unions.


CAMU stands for Corrective Action Management Unit CAMU stands for Colorado Association of Municipal Utilities (Colorado Springs, CO) CAMU stands for Central Airspace Management Unit (Air Traffic and Navigation Services; South Africa) CAMU stands for Concurrent Assembly Mock-Up CAMU stands for Canberra Area Medical Unit CAMU stands for Communication Audio Management Unit (Racal) CAMU stands […]


DBSO stands for Driving Brake Standard Open (converted railway carriage) DBSO stands for Deeltijds Beroeps Secundair Onderwijs (Dutch: Part-time Vocational Secondary Education; Belgium) DBSO stands for Democratic Burmese Students Organization


DBSP stands for Design Basis Scoping Paper DBSP stands for Data Base Scripting Pages DBSP stands for Distributed Battle Simulation Program DBSP stands for Department of Biomedical Sciences and Pathobiology DBSP stands for Dan Blewett Sports Performance (Bloomington, IL) DBSP stands for Dynamic Business Start-Up Project DBSP stands for Dockless Bike Sharing Program (various locations) […]


DBSR stands for Downey Brand Seymour & Rohwer (law firm; Sonora, CA) DBSR stands for Duke Bioinformatics Shared Resource (Duke University; North Carolina) DBSR stands for Dialogue Between Science and Religion (American Association for the Advancement of Science) DBSR stands for Danube and Black Sea Railway (UK) DBSR stands for Don’t Be Stupid Recordings (record […]


CAMTech stands for Centre for Advanced Media Technology (Singapore) CAMTech stands for Computer Automated Machinery Technology (Calgary, Alberta, Canada)


DBSS stands for Design, Build and Sell Scheme (Singapore) DBSS stands for Daytona Beach Symphony Society (Florida) DBSS stands for Defense Blood Standard System DBSS stands for Database Summary Sheet DBSS stands for Distribution by Set Size DBSS stands for Diet Butcher Slim Skin (clothing brand) DBSS stands for Direct Broadcast Satellite System DBSS stands […]


DBST stands for Double Bituminous Surface Treatment DBST stands for Double British Summer Time (WWII era time zone) DBST stands for Direct Broadcast Satellite Television (News Corporation) DBST stands for Digital Battlestaff Sustainment Trainer DBST stands for Digital Battle Staff Trainer DBST stands for District Based Support Team (educational support group; South African Schools Act; […]


DBT stands for Dialectical Behavior Therapy DBT stands for Department of Biotechnology (India) DBT stands for Drive-By Truckers (band) DBT stands for Dibenzothiophene DBT stands for Duxbury Braille Translator (Duxbury Systems, Inc.) DBT stands for Days Beyond Terms DBT stands for Deutscher Bundestag (German Parliament) DBT stands for Design Basis Threat DBT stands for Directive […]


DBSV stands for Deutscher Boots- und Schiffbauer-Verband (German: German Boat and Shipbuilders Association) DBSV stands for Deutscher Beach Soccer Verband (Germany) DBSV stands for Deutscher Blinden-und Sehbehindertenverband eV (German: German Association of the Blind and Visually Impaired)