
Local, National, International Organizations, Groups, Non-Profits, NGos and Unions.


DBOA stands for Designer Bookbinders of America (est. 2011) DBOA stands for Dallas Basketball Officials Association (Irving, TX) DBOA stands for Delayed Breeder or Alternative DBOA stands for Dynamic Business Object Architecture


CAMC stands for Caravan and Motorhome Club (UK) CAMC stands for Canadian Aviation Maintenance Council CAMC stands for Canadian Association of Management Consultants CAMC stands for Cohesion among Methods in a Class (software metric) CAMC stands for Camera-Augmented Mobile C-Arm CAMC stands for Conservation Authorities Moraine Coalition CAMC stands for Conditional Access Management Center (DirecTV) […]


CAMCAL stands for Coordinación de las Asociaciones Mundiales de Ciudades y Autoridades Locales (Spanish: World Associations of Cities and Local Authorities Coordination, aka: WAC)


CAMCE stands for California Association of Mine and Cave Explorers


CAMCINC stands for Christensen Associates Management Consultants, Inc. (Playa del Rey, California)


CAMCO stands for Capital Acquisitions and Management Corp. CAMCO stands for Certified Association Management Company (Longwood, FL) CAMCO stands for Canadian Aboriginal Media Co-operative


CAMD stands for Center for Advanced Microstructures and Devices CAMD stands for Clean Air Markets Division (US EPA) CAMD stands for Color Access Mode Display CAMD stands for Computer-Assisted Molecular Design CAMD stands for Center for Development of Advanced Medicine for Dementia (National Center for Geriatrics and Gerontology; Japan) CAMD stands for Chemical Agent and […]


DBOH stands for Dog Beach of Hollywood (Hollywood, FL) DBoH stands for Darn Bach o Hanes (Welsh TV Program; UK) DBOH stands for Discussion Board of Houston (Texas)


DBPLA stands for Doula Birth Partners of Los Angeles (labor-support training)