
Local, National, International Organizations, Groups, Non-Profits, NGos and Unions.


DAPh stands for Dutch Architectural Photographers (Netherlands) DAPH stands for Devon Association of Primary Heads (UK) DAPH stands for Digital Analytics Power Hour (podcast)


DAPPP stands for Dedicated Association of Ping Pong Players (Toronto, Canada)


DAPSS stands for Delaware Academy of Public Safety and Security (Newark, DE) DAPSS stands for Defence & Aerospace Publishing Services (Switzerland) SA DAPSS stands for Document and Personnel Security System (environment) DAPSS stands for Dust, Atmospheres and Plasmas in the Solar System (research project; Finland)


DAR stands for Daughters of the American Revolution DAR stands for Data At Rest DAR stands for Daily Afternoon Randomness (Chive) DAR stands for Disk Archive DAR stands for Disability and Rehabilitation (World Health Organization) DAR stands for Department of Agrarian Reform (Philippines) DAR stands for Dial-A-Ride (senior program) DAR stands for Department of Agricultural […]


DARA stands for Defence Aviation Repair Agency (UK Defence Agency formed in 1999) DARA stands for Documents d’Archéologie en Rhône-Alpes et en Auvergne (French archaeological document collection) DARA stands for Deutsche Agentur für Raumfahrtangelegenheiten (German: German Agency for Space Affairs) DARA stands for Dayton Amateur Radio Association DARA stands for Dallas Area Romance Authors (Texas) […]


DARC stands for Deutscher Amateur Radio Club (German amateur radio club) DARC stands for Duffy Antigen Receptor for Chemokines DARC stands for Digital Arts Research Center (University of California, Santa Cruz) DARC stands for Data Radio Channel DARC stands for Direct Access Radar Channel DARC stands for Defense Acquisition Regulatory Council (US DoD) DARC stands […]


DARCA stands for Ditch and Reservoir Company Alliance DARCA stands for Desertification and Regeneration in Central Asia DARCA stands for David A. Raffel Consulting Associates