
Politics, Party and Election.


DSF stands for Dubai Shopping Festival DSF stands for Deutsches Sport Fernsehen (German: German Sports Television) DSF stands for Digital Solidarity Fund DSF stands for Direction des Services Fiscaux (French: Fiscal Affairs Department; various locations) DSF stands for Django Software Foundation (Portland, OR) DSF stands for David Suzuki Foundation DSF stands for Deep Sea Fishing […]


DSF stands for Dubai Shopping Festival DSF stands for Deutsches Sport Fernsehen (German: German Sports Television) DSF stands for Digital Solidarity Fund DSF stands for Direction des Services Fiscaux (French: Fiscal Affairs Department; various locations) DSF stands for Django Software Foundation (Portland, OR) DSF stands for David Suzuki Foundation DSF stands for Deep Sea Fishing […]


DSFA stands for Department of Social and Family Affairs (Republic of Ireland) DSFA stands for Dansk Selskab for Apopleksi (Danish: Danish Society for Stroke) DSFA stands for Domaine Saint François d’Assise (French chateau) DSFA stands for Dundee Schools’ Football Association (UK) DSFA stands for Doesn’t Stand for Anything DSFA stands for Diplomatic Service Families Association […]


DSDR stands for Data Sharing for Demographic Research (Interuniversity Consortium for Political and Social Research) DSDR stands for Down South Dog Runners (est. 2003; Florida)


AEGCPP stands for Annual European Graduate Conference on Political Parties


DSB  stands for Datenschutzbeauftragter (German: Data Protection Officer) DSB  stands for Double Strand Break DSB  stands for Dispute Settlement Body (World Trade Organization) DSB  stands for Danske Statsbaner (Danish: Danish State Railways) DSB  stands for Defense Science Board (US DoD) DSB  stands for Daily Study Bible DSB  stands for Double Sideband DSB  stands for Deep […]


DSB  stands for Datenschutzbeauftragter (German: Data Protection Officer) DSB  stands for Double Strand Break DSB  stands for Dispute Settlement Body (World Trade Organization) DSB  stands for Danske Statsbaner (Danish: Danish State Railways) DSB  stands for Defense Science Board (US DoD) DSB  stands for Daily Study Bible DSB  stands for Double Sideband DSB  stands for Deep […]


DSA  stands for Digital Signature Algorithm DSA  stands for Driving Standards Agency (UK) DSA  stands for Direct Selling Association DSA  stands for Das Schwarze Auge (German adventure role-playing game) DSA  stands for Division of Student Affairs DSA  stands for Division of the State Architect (California) DSA  stands for Disabled Students’ Allowance DSA  stands for Depression, […]


DSA  stands for Digital Signature Algorithm DSA  stands for Driving Standards Agency (UK) DSA  stands for Direct Selling Association DSA  stands for Das Schwarze Auge (German adventure role-playing game) DSA  stands for Division of Student Affairs DSA  stands for Division of the State Architect (California) DSA  stands for Disabled Students’ Allowance DSA  stands for Depression, […]


DSAI stands for Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim (Malaysian politician) DSAI stands for Deutsche Selbsthilfe Angeborene Immundefekte (German: Germans With Congenital Immunodeficiencies) DSAI stands for Decision Science Applications, Inc. (Rome, NY) DSAI stands for Diagnostic and Specialist Access Insurance DSAI stands for Dombes Saône Assistance Informatique (French computer service company)