
Politics, Party and Election.


CAMV stands for Cauliflower Mosaic Virus CAMV stands for Conservative Alliance Matanitu Vanua (Fiji political party) CAMV stands for Chamber Alliance of the Mohawk Valley (New York)


CALME stands for Center for the Active Life of Minority Elders (New York, NY) CALME stands for Campaign for American Leadership in the Middle East CALME stands for Columbia Center for Active Life of Minority Elders CALME stands for childhood asymmetric labium majus enlargement


CAM stands for Camera CAM stands for Computer-Aided Manufacturing CAM stands for Camcorder (video source) CAM stands for Complementary and Alternative Medicine CAM stands for Camden (Amtrak station code; Camden, SC) CAM stands for Camshaft CAM stands for Community Association Manager (Community Associations Institute ) CAM stands for Camouflage(d) CAM stands for Center for Applied […]


CAMB stands for California Association of Mortgage Brokers CAMB stands for Cell and Molecular Biology CAMB stands for Colorado Association of Mortgage Brokers (Denver, CO) CAMB stands for California Aggie Marching Band (University of California, Davis) CAMB stands for Center for Applied & Molecular Biology (Pakistan) CAMB stands for Corrective Action Management Board


CAMBER stands for Citizens for Accurate Mail Ballot Election Results


DBPC stands for Double-Blind Placebo-Controlled DBPC stands for Demi Brigade de Parachutiste de Choc (French: Half Airborne Brigade Shock) DBPC stands for 2,6-Di-Tert-Butyl-P-Cresol DBPC stands for Don Bosco Park Circus (est. 1958; school; India) DBPC stands for Defense Business Practices Concept DBPC stands for Detroit Board of Police Commissioners (Michigan) DBPC stands for Det Broderlige […]


DBC stands for Design By Contract DBC stands for Darlington Borough Council (UK) DBC stands for Dynamic Brake Control DBC stands for Database CAN (Controller Area Network; file format) DBC stands for Denton Bible Church (Denton, TX) DBC stands for Decibels (referenced to the carrier) DBC stands for Diagnose Behandeling Combinatie (Dutch) DBC stands for […]


DANK stands for Deutsch Amerikanischer National Kongress (German American National Congress)


DAPSY stands for Democratic Action Party Socialist Youth (Malaysia)