D2K stands for Data to Knowledge (data mining application) D2K stands for Developer 2000 (Oracle) D2K stands for Dressed to…
D2N stands for Donor-to-Nonprofit (marketplace) D2N stands for Diablo II Network (gaming network)
Abst stands for Abstract ABST stands for Abstain ABST stands for Armeebriefstelle (German Army postal station) ABST stands for Antigua…
ABTY stands for Anyone But The Yankees
C2B3 stands for Colonel Claypool's Bucket of Bernie Brains (band)
D2LOD stands for Diablo II: Lord of Destruction (Pc Game)
D2M stands for Design To Manufacturing D2M stands for Decadal to Multidecadal (climatology) D2M stands for Designed to Meet D2M…
ABOSFD stands for A Bunch Of Stuff From Dad
ABOW stands for Angel Beats!: Operation Wars (video game)
ABRVS stands for Abbreviations (text messaging)