AAFDP stands for Association Aux Frontieres Du Pixel (French: Association to the Borders of Pixel; French video game group)
AAFBF stands for Always and Forever Best Friends
AAEOD stands for Affirmative Action, Equal Opportunity and Diversity
AACTA stands for Australian Academy of Cinema and Television Arts AACTA stands for Anne Arundel County Tennis Association (est. 1967;…
AACMM stands for Associação Amigos do Conservatório de Música da Madeira (Portuguese: Friends of the Madeira Music Conservatory Association)
AACTMAD stands for Ann Arbor Council for Traditional Music and Dance (Michigan)
AACL stands for Albanian American Civic League AACL stands for Alberta Association for Community Living (Canada) AACL stands for Anytime/Anywhere…
AACEC stands for Application for Approval of Continuing Education Course AACEC stands for African American Cultural and Entertainment Center AACEC…
APS stands for A Paradigm Shift (band) APS stands for A Piece of Space (Japan) APS stands for Abandon Platform…
B&N stands for Barnes and Noble B&N stands for Blanco y Negro (Spanish)