Pop Culture

Newsgroups, People, Celebration, Culture, Online Gaming and Amateur Radio.


DAO stands for Data Access Objects (Microsoft) DAO stands for Double Action Only (handguns) DAO stands for Dragon Age: Origins (video game) DAO stands for Decentralized Autonomous Organization (smart contracts) DAO stands for Disk-At-Once (CD creation) DAO stands for Dessin Assisté par Ordinateur (French: computer assisted design) DAO stands for Depressor Anguli Oris (facial muscle) […]


DAPL stands for Drug and Alcohol Project Limited (UK) DAPL stands for Dakota Access Pipeline (also known as Bakken pipeline) DAPL stands for Denver Association of Petroleum Landmen (Colorado) DAPL stands for Dallas Association of Petroleum Landmen (Texas) DAPL stands for Direct Access Programming Library DAPL stands for Dropping A Popped Locket (band) DAPL stands […]


DAPPS stands for Decennial Applicant Personnel and Payroll System (census) DAPPS stands for DMA Automated Publication Production System DAPPS stands for Dated Achievable Personal Positive Specific (qualities of an effective goal) DAPPS stands for Mobile Games Developers, Aggregators, Publishers and Portals (Mobile Games)


DAPSAC stands for Discourse Approaches to Politics, Society and Culture (academic book series)


DARP stands for Day(s) After Reporting Period DARP stands for Departament d’Agricultura, Ramaderia i Pesca (Department of Agriculture, Cattle Breeding and Fishing) DARP stands for Downlink Advanced Receiver Performance (GSM/3GPP) DARP stands for Drug Abuse Reporting Program DARP stands for Damage Assessment and Restoration Program DARP stands for Dumbledore’s Army Roleplay (gaming) DARP stands for […]


DATK stands for Doll and the Kicks (band) DATK stands for Device Automation Toolkit (Microsoft) DATK stands for Deliberate Attack


DATM stands for Doesn’t Apply to Me DATM stands for Drags Along the Mohawk (Little Falls, NY) DATM stands for Dave against the Machine (podcast) DATM stands for Draco and the Malfoys (band) DATM stands for Dummy Air Training Missile DATM stands for Down at the Mac (online soccer fanclub; UK) DATM stands for Data […]


GZSZ stands for Gute Zeiten, Schlechte Zeiten (German: Good Times, Bad Times; TV soap opera)