Pop Culture

Newsgroups, People, Celebration, Culture, Online Gaming and Amateur Radio.


DATG stands for Disney/ABC (American Broadcasting Company) Television Group DATG stands for Dynamic Angiothermography (diagnostic imaging tool)


DATDA stands for Defense Against the Dark Arts (Harry Potter)


DATE stands for Design, Automation, and Test in Europe (Conference) DATE stands for Decisive Action Training Environment (US DoD) DATE stands for Drug, Alcohol, and Tobacco Education DATE stands for Drug, Alcohol, Traffic Education (Florida, USA) DATE stands for Dynamics, Acoustics and Thermal Environment (NASA experiment) DATE stands for Dance Actually Threatens Everybody (Kids Next […]


CAIII stands for Carbonic Anhydrase III (biochemistry) CAIII stands for Central Asian Infrastructure Integration Initiative (US State Department) CAIII stands for Challenge Athena III


CAIR stands for Clean Air Interstate Rule (EPA) CAIR stands for Council on American-Islamic Relations CAIR stands for Center for AIDS Intervention Research CAIR stands for Changing Attitudes in Recovery CAIR stands for California Association for Institutional Research CAIR stands for Canadian Association of Interns and Residents CAIR stands for Center for Artificial Intelligence and […]


YZPIS stands for Young Zaphod Plays It Safe (novella by Douglas Adams)


XZAR stands for Xtreme Zhentarim Alongside Road (Baldur’s Gate computer game)