Pop Culture

Newsgroups, People, Celebration, Culture, Online Gaming and Amateur Radio.


D&B stands for Drum and Bass (music genre) D&B stands for Dun & Bradstreet D&B stands for Design & Build D&B stands for Drill and Blast (engineering) D&B stands for Drum and Bugle Corps D&B stands for Dave & Busters D&B stands for Docking and Berthing D&B stands for Draw N Build (India)


ABOD stands for Apprentice Boys of Derry (Protestant fraternal organisation) ABOD stands for Andy Biersack Obsession Disorder ABOD stands for All Bets On Death (band)


DA  stands for Deviantart (online artist’s community) DA  stands for Denmark DA  stands for Double Action DA  stands for Dark Angel (TV show; band) DA  stands for Date (assembly language ASM51 assembler control) DA  stands for Data Analysis DA  stands for District Attorney D/A  stands for D/A Digital-to-Analog DA  stands for Dragon Age (game) DA […]


DC stands for Direct Current (electricity) DC stands for District of Columbia (US postal abbreviation) DC stands for Dark Crystal (Lineage 2 Game armor set) DC stands for Device Context (Microsoft Windows programming) DC stands for District Court DC stands for Discount DC stands for Disney Channel DC stands for Duty Cycle DC stands for […]