Pop Culture

Newsgroups, People, Celebration, Culture, Online Gaming and Amateur Radio.


BAAF stands for British Association for Adoption and Fostering (aka British Agencies for Adoption and Fostering; London, England, UK) BAAF stands for Big Apple Anime Fest (New York, NY) BAAF stands for Brussels Ancient Art Fair BAAF stands for British Agency for Adoption and Fostering (UK) BAAF stands for Bremer Anti-Atom Forum (Germany) BAAF stands […]


BAAFC stands for Baltimore Area American Flyer Club (Baltimore, MD)


BAAIV stands for Bassists Against Absence in Video (Aerosmith)


BAAPE stands for Bureau d’Accueil des Artistes et Professionnels Étrangers (French: Reception Office of Foreign Artists and Professionals; Paris, France)


BAARE stands for Bay Area Asian Rendezvous Events (California)


AALCS stands for African American Literature and Culture Society


AALM stands for adaptable application lifecycle management AALM stands for All-Ages Lead Model AALM stands for Ann Arbor Local Market (Michigan) AALM stands for American Alliance for Loan Management