Pop Culture

Newsgroups, People, Celebration, Culture, Online Gaming and Amateur Radio.


AAJC stands for Asian American Justice Center (formerly National Asian Pacific American Legal Consortium) AAJC stands for American Association of Junior Colleges (now American Association of Community Colleges) AAJC stands for Association d’Assurance des Juristes Canadiens (French: Canadian Lawyers Insurance Association; Toronto, Ontario, Canada) AAJC stands for Authorized Academic Java Campus (Austria) AAJC stands for […]


AAKC stands for Apartment Association of Kansas City (Shawnee Mission, KS) AAKC stands for Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay (Michael Chabon book) AAKC stands for All American Kit Cutters


AAJF stands for All About Jimmy Fallon (comedian; unofficial fansite)


AAIFF stands for Asian American International Film Festival AAIFF stands for Air-to-Air Identification Friend or Foe


BAA stands for Baccalauréat en Administration des Affaires (French) BAA stands for Bachelier en Administration des Affaires BAA stands for Backing Australia’s Ability BAA stands for Backup Aerospace Vehicle Authorization BAA stands for Backup Aircraft Authorization BAA stands for Baltic Aviation Academy (Lithuania) BAA stands for Ban All Acronyms BAA stands for Banc of America […]


AAFL stands for All American Football League AAFL stands for Asian American Film Lab AAFL stands for Animal Advocates of the Finger Lakes (Poplar Ridge, NY)