BAPT stands for Baptist BAPT stands for British Association of Play Therapists (UK) BAPT stands for Bundesamt für Post und…
ZANT stands for Zoroastrian Association of North Texas (religious group; Flower Mound, TX)
ZAH stands for Zuercher AIDS-Hilfe (German: Zurich AIDS Help) ZAH stands for Zahedan, Iran - Zahedan (Airport Code) ZAH stands for Zoroastrian Association…
ABF stands for American Breakfast (Thailand Hotels) ABF stands for Arbetarnas BildningsFörbund ABF stands for Association des Bibliothecaires Francais (French)…
ABFF stands for American Black Film Festival ABFF stands for Acapulco Black Film Festival (now American Black Film Festival)ABFF stands…
AbfG stands for Abfallgesetz (Germany) ABFG stands for Association of British Fungus Groups (est. 1996; UK) ABFG stands for Adult…