ACKH stands for Arbeitsgemeinschaft Christlicher Kirchen in Hamburg (German: Association of Christian Churches in Hamburg)
ACK stands for Amar Chitra Katha (Indian entertainment company) ACK stands for Akademickie Centrum Kultury (Polish: Academic Center for Culture;…
ACJ stands for Administration of Criminal Justice (various locations) ACJ stands for Allegheny County Jail (Pennsylvania) ACJ stands for Asociación…
ACJB stands for Academic Coalition for Jewish Bioethics (various locations) ACJB stands for Association Catholique de la Jeunesse Belge (French)
ACHW stands for Adams Craft Herz Walker (Oak Ridge, TN) ACHW stands for America Christian Heritage Week (Thanksgiving week; US)
ACHA stands for American Collegiate Hockey Association ACHA stands for American College Health Association ACHA stands for American College of…
ACFW stands for American Christian Fiction Writers ACFW stands for Adult Clean Fleece Weight ACFW stands for Ayurvedic Cooking for…