
Religious Believes, Church, Christianity, Muslim, Seminary, Catholic, Anglican, Methodist, Buddhism, Islam, Manichaeism, Mithraism, Confucianism, Hinduism and Judaism.


ACGE stands for Accreditation Council for Gynecologic Endoscopy ACGE stands for Academic Consortium for Global Education, Inc. ACGE stands for Alpine Classic Glacier Express (Chur, Switzerland)


DIEC stands for Dubai International Exhibition Centre DIEC stands for Dhahran International Exhibitions Company (Saudi Arabia) DIEC stands for Diccionari de l’Institut d’Estudis Catalans (dictionary for Catalan language) DIEC stands for Direction Interdiocésaine de l’Enseignement Catholique (French: Interdiocesan Directorate of Catholic Education) DIEC stands for Defense Item Entry Control


ACFI stands for Aged Care Funding Instrument (Australia) ACFI stands for Accounting and Finance (university department) ACFI stands for Association Canadienne des Fournisseurs Internet (French) ACFI stands for American Cash Flow Institute (Orlando, Florida) ACFI stands for Association of Certified Forensic Investigators (of Canada) ACFI stands for AMRESCO Commercial Finance LLC (Boise, ID) ACFI stands […]


ACEL stands for Australian Council for Educational Leaders (Australia) ACEL stands for Australian Centre for Environmental Law (est. 1991; Australian National University) ACEL stands for Autonomic Computing Expression Language ACEL stands for Aerospace Crew Equipment Laboratory ACEL stands for Action Construction Equipment, Ltd. (India) ACEL stands for Alternating Current Electro-Luminescent


ACELC stands for Association of Confessing Evangelical Lutheran Congregations (Missouri) ACELC stands for Australian Country English Language College


DICI stands for Documentation Information Catholiques Internationales (French Catholic publication) DICI stands for Direct-Injection Compression Ignition (fuel delivery) DICI stands for Data-Intensive Computing Initiative (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory; Washington) DICI stands for Digital Image Communications Inc. (Little Rock, AR) DICI stands for Directorate for Intelligence and Counter-Intelligence


DICF stands for Dalian International Christian Fellowship (China) DICF stands for Dictionary InterChange Format (DICT Development Group) DICF stands for Dominant Introverted Concrete Feeler (Jung personality type indicator) DICF stands for Deutsches Institut für Corporate Finance


DICCU stands for Durham Inter-Collegiate Christian Union (UK)


ACDS stands for Advanced Combat Direction System ACDS stands for Association for Children with Down Syndrome ACDS stands for Automated Call Distribution System ACDS stands for Arlington Country Day School (Jacksonville, FL) ACDS stands for Arundel Community Development Services (Annapolis, MD) ACDS stands for Automatic Countermeasures Dispensing System (US DoD) ACDS stands for African Centre […]