
Religious Believes, Church, Christianity, Muslim, Seminary, Catholic, Anglican, Methodist, Buddhism, Islam, Manichaeism, Mithraism, Confucianism, Hinduism and Judaism.


ACDCM stands for Archbishop of Canterbury’s Diploma in Church Music


ACDA stands for American Choral Directors Association ACDA stands for ACL (Audit Command Language) Certified Data Analyst ACDA stands for Arms Control and Disarmament Agency ACDA stands for American Celiac Disease Alliance ACDA stands for Arms Control and Disarmament Act of 1961 ACDA stands for American Commodity Distribution Association ACDA stands for Azienda Cuneese Dell’Acqua […]


ACCUS stands for Automobile Competition Committee of the United States (car racing) ACCUS stands for Accusative (grammatical case) ACCUS stands for American Catholic Church in the United States ACCUS stands for Automobile Competition Committee for the US


ACCUS-LA stands for American Catholic Church in the United States and Latin America


ACCW stands for Archdiocesan Council of Catholic Women (St. Paul and Minneapolis, MN) ACCW stands for Atlantic Coast Championship Wrestling (Rocky Point, NC) ACCW stands for Association of California Commissions for Women (est. 1997) ACCW stands for Algemene Computer Club Westerkwartier (Dutch: General Computer Club Westerkwartier; Westerkwartier, Netherlands) ACCW stands for Auxiliary Component Cooling Water […]


ACCSD stands for Association of Christian Churches of South Dakota (Sioux Falls, SD) ACCSD stands for Applied Cryptography for Cyber Security and Defense