
Response Letter To Discrimination Complaint

Employer’s Response To Discrimination Claim Sample: Discrimination affects people’s opportunities, their well-being, and their sense of agency. When an employer/human resource personnel receives a complaint letter about discrimination he/she is expected to respond promptly and do something right away to stop the inappropriate behaviour in a work environment.

Looking for employer’s response to discrimination complaint against employee? You may find this response to discrimination claim example useful.

Employer/HR Reply Letter To Complainant On Discrimination

Date: ____________________

____________________ [Receiver’s Name]
____________________ PO Box 11111
____________________ City of W, State of Y 11111

Dear Mr./Ms. ____________________,

This letter acknowledges receipt of your complaint of discrimination dated ____________________ [enter date in full]. You alleged that the ____________________ staff [enter company name/employee name] discriminated against you.

You have the right to be represented by an attorney or other representative in the complaint process. The ____________________ Division of Workforce Development’s Equal Opportunity Unit has the authority to investigate and determine complaints of discrimination on the “basis” of race, colour, national origin, religion, age, sex, disability, citizenship, political affiliation or belief, and/or status as a Workforce
Innovation and Opportunity Act participant in programs funded, in part or in whole, by the __________________ [enter country name] Department of Labour.

If we determine that your complaint and the allegations you make against the Respondent(s) meet all of the basic federal requirements, we will provide a formal letter accepting your complaint. You would then be able to select alternate dispute resolution (mediation) or the option for us to conduct a formal investigation into the complaint.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me directly at 000-0000-000.


____________________ Writer’s Signature
____________________ Writer’s Name
____________________ Designation

N/B: Many victims of discrimination in workplaces suffer low self esteem which could have a significant impact on their job in terms of productivity.

Response Letter To Discrimination Complaint
Abbreviations And Their Meaning