Schools & Education


DBSD stands for Don't Be So Dumb DBSD stands for Denali Borough School District (Healy, AK) DBSD stands for Drosophila…

2 years ago


CANAE stands for Confederación Estatal de Estudiantes (Spanish Student Union)

2 years ago


DBSU stands for Direction des Bourses et Secours Universitaires (French: Directorate of Scholarships and University Aid)

2 years ago


DBSE stands for Distance Between Shaft Ends (couplings technology) DBSE stands for Delta Bati Service Elec (French electrician service) DBSE…

2 years ago


DBSPE stands for District Based Support to Primary Education (Tanzania; Ministry of Education and Culture)

2 years ago


CAMS stands for Centralized Attendance and Monitoring System CAMS stands for Confederation of Australian Motor Sport CAMS stands for Control…

2 years ago


DBTE stands for Deniz Bilimleri ve Teknolojisi Enstitüsü (Turkish: Institute of Marine Science and Technology)

2 years ago


DBTRRR stands for Division for Biomedical Technology Research and Research Resources (National Institutes of Health)

2 years ago


CAN stands for Canada CAN stands for Canon CAN stands for Cancer Action Network (American Cancer Society) CAN stands for…

2 years ago


DBRL stands for Daniel Boone Regional Library (Missouri) DBRL stands for Darnley Bay Resources, Ltd. (Canada) DBRL stands for Dalby…

2 years ago
Abbreviations And Their Meaning