Schools & Education


CAMS stands for Centralized Attendance and Monitoring System CAMS stands for Confederation of Australian Motor Sport CAMS stands for Control…

1 year ago


DBU stands for Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt (German: German Federal Environmental Foundation) DBU stands for Dallas Baptist University DBU stands for…

1 year ago


DBRL stands for Daniel Boone Regional Library (Missouri) DBRL stands for Darnley Bay Resources, Ltd. (Canada) DBRL stands for Dalby…

1 year ago


CAMSE stands for Center for the Advancement of Mathematics and Science Education (Spearfish, SD) CAMSE stands for Council to Advance…

1 year ago


CAMTP stands for Center for Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics (University of Maribor, Slovenia)

1 year ago


DBSPE stands for District Based Support to Primary Education (Tanzania; Ministry of Education and Culture)

1 year ago


DBTC stands for David Brown Tractor Club (UK) DBTC stands for Don Bosco Technical College (est. 1953; Mandaluyong, Philippines) DBTC…

1 year ago


CAMM stands for Common Anti-Air Modular Missile (UK) CAMM stands for Common Agenda for Migration and Mobility (EU-India) CAMM stands…

1 year ago


DBTRRR stands for Division for Biomedical Technology Research and Research Resources (National Institutes of Health)

1 year ago


DBT stands for Dialectical Behavior Therapy DBT stands for Department of Biotechnology (India) DBT stands for Drive-By Truckers (band) DBT…

1 year ago
Abbreviations And Their Meaning