Schools & Education


DATE stands for Design, Automation, and Test in Europe (Conference) DATE stands for Decisive Action Training Environment (US DoD) DATE…

2 years ago


DATEC stands for Developmentally Appropriate Technology for Early Childhood (study; various countries) DATEC stands for Data Technical (AT&T Tier 2…

2 years ago


CAFLS stands for College of Agriculture Forestry and Life Sciences (Clemson University; Clemson, SC) CAFLS stands for Chicago Area Foundation…

2 years ago


stands for AHMS stands for Austrian Holocaust Memorial Service (Austria) AHMS stands for Aurora Hills Middle School (Colorado) AHMS stands for Advanced Health…

2 years ago


CAFNR stands for College of Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources

2 years ago


CAHMC stands for Centre Aquitain Histoire Moderne Contemporaine (French: Center for Study of Modern and Contemporary Worlds)

2 years ago


CAHEA stands for Committee on Allied Health Education and Accreditation CAHEA stands for Christian Adult Higher Education Association

2 years ago


CAHFS stands for California Animal Health and Food Safety (University of California, Davis) CAHFS stands for Center for Animal Health…

2 years ago


CAHES stands for Caritas Adult and Higher Education Service (Hong Kong)

2 years ago


CAHEP stands for Community Arts and Heritage Education Project (est. 1999; Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada) CAHEP stands for Colorado Asian…

2 years ago
Abbreviations And Their Meaning