Schools & Education

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DBCC stands for Daytona Beach Community College (Florida) DBCC stands for Database Consistency Check (Microsoft SQL Server) DBCC stands for Database Console Command (Microsoft SQL Server) DBCC stands for Dallas Black Chamber of Commerce (Dallas, TX, USA) DBCC stands for Desert Breeze Community Church (Glendale, AZ, USA) DBCC stands for Distribution Biscuiterie Confiserie du Centre […]


DBCB stands for Division of Biological Chemistry and Biologicals (National Institute of Health Sciences; Japan) DBCB stands for Dragon Boat Club of Boston (Waltham, MA)


DBCM stands for De Beers Consolidated Mines (est. 1888; various locations) DBCM stands for Département de Biologie Cellulaire et de Morphologie (French: Department of Cell Biology and Morphology; University of Lausanne; Switzerland) DBCM stands for Dual Battery Charging Module (electronics) DBCM stands for Data Base Configuration Management


DBCR stands for Deutsche Bank Currency Return (Germany) DBCR stands for Day Break Coffee Roasters (Lubbock, TX) DBCR stands for Don Bosco Cristo Rey (Takoma Park, MD high school) DBCR stands for Danish Bladder Cancer Registry DBCR stands for Data Base Change Request DBCR stands for Drunken Belligerent Confrontational Rock (band)


DBCS stands for Double-Byte Character Set DBCS stands for Don Bosco Center of Studies (Philippines) DBCS stands for Delivery Bar-Code Sorter DBCS stands for Denbigh Baptist Christian School (Newport News, VA) DBCS stands for Dismounted Battle Command System DBCS stands for Digital Battle Command System DBCS stands for Double-Byte Character Specification DBCS stands for Dockside […]


DBEA stands for Daniel Bouchard Évaluateur Agréé (French: Daniel Bouchard Licensed Appraiser; Canada) DBEA stands for Daniel Boone Education Association (Pennsylvania) DBEA stands for De Boer en Associates (Dutch firm) DBEA stands for Don Betts Evangelistic Association (Dayton, OH)


DBEC stands for Desh Bhagat Engineering College (India) DBEC stands for Downtown Brooklyn Educational Consortium (Brooklyn, NY) DBEC stands for Design-Build Engineers & Contractors (Orlando, FL) DBEC stands for Dartmouth Biomedical Engineering Center (Hanover, NH) DBEC stands for Dakshin Bharat Energy Consortium (Ennore, India) DBEC stands for Déchets Banals des Entreprises et du Commerce (French: […]


DBEB stands for Departamento de Botânica e Engenharia Biológica (Portuguese: Department of Botany and Biological Engineering) DBEB stands for Department of Biochemical Engineering and Biotechnology (Indian Institute of Technology Delhi; New Delhi, India) DBEB stands for Datuak Babesteko Euskal Bulegoa (Basque: Basque Agency for Data Protection; Spain)


DBeng stands for Diploma of Business Engineering (Institution of British Engineers)


DBEPS stands for Division of Bioengineering and Physical Science (National Institute of Health)