Schools & Education

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DBES stands for Date-Based Export Scheme (UK) DBES stands for Department of Building & Engineering Services (various locations) DBES stands for Double Branch Elementary School (Wesley Chapel, FL) DBES stands for Delta Branch Experiment Station (Mississippi State University; Stoneville, MS)


DBFE stands for Dante B. Fascell Elementary (Miami, FL) DBFE stands for Der Bootsdoktor für Europa GmbH (German: Boat Doctor of Europe)


CAJE stands for Central Agency for Jewish Education (est. 1971; St. Louis, MO) CAJE stands for Coalition for the Advancement of Jewish Education (New York, NY) CAJE stands for Center for the Advancement of Jewish Education (Miami, FL) CAJE stands for Canadian Journal of Economics CAJE stands for Community Advocates for Justice and Equality (Lowell, […]


CAJ stands for Canadian Association of Journalists CAJ stands for China Academic Journals CAJ stands for Committee on the Administration of Justice (UK) CAJ stands for Christliche Arbeiterjugend (German Young Christian Workers) CAJ stands for Canaima, Venezuela (Airport Code) CAJ stands for Christian Academy in Japan CAJ stands for Centre d’Accueil de Jour (French: Daycare […]


DBFH stands for Duale Berufsausbildung mit Fachhochschulreife (German vocational training)


CAJH stands for Carl Albert Junior High (Midwest City, OK; now Carl Albert Middle School)


CAJLE stands for Canadian Association for Japanese Language Education (Canada)


CAJLS stands for Center for Applied Japanese Language Studies (University of Oregon; Portland, OR) CAJLS stands for California Association of Japanese Language Schools (Los Angeles, CA)


CAJLT stands for California Association of Japanese Language Teachers (professional networking group)