Schools & Education

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DAMT stands for Dictionnaire Analytique de la Mondialisation du Travail (French: Analytical Dictionary of Globalization and Work; Canada) DAMT stands for Drôme Ardèche Moto Team (France racing team) DAMT stands for Department of Art, Music and Technology (Stevens Institute of Technology; New Jersey) DAMT stands for Disaster Animal Management Task Force (Houston, TX) DAMT stands […]


DAMTP stands for Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics (University of Cambridge UK) DAMTP stands for Data Miners Travailleurs Psychique (French: Data Miners Psychic Workers)


DANE stands for Departamento Administrativo Nacional de Estadistica (Colombia-South America) DANE stands for Disability Action North East (Ellison Place, Newcastle upon Tyne, England, UK) DANE stands for Danish Archives North East (Danish heritage collection; Edison, NJ) DANE stands for Dodekanisiaki Anonymos Naftiliaki Eteria (Greek shipping company) DANE stands for Department of Advanced Nursing Education (University […]


DANEIS stands for Debate Association of New England Independent Schools


DANM stands for Digital Arts and New Media (University of California, Santa Craz) DANM stands for Dynamic Ambient Noise Model (oceanography; acoustic noise modeling)


DAMEC stands for Drug and Alcohol Multicultural Education Centre (Australia)


DAMK stands for Düsseldorfer Akademie für Marketing-Kommunikation (German: Düsseldorf Academy of Marketing Communications; Dusseldorf, Germany)


DAML stands for DARPA Agent Markup Language DAML stands for Dorothy Alling Memorial Library (Williston, VT) DAML stands for Drew and May Love (Pokemon club) DAML stands for Digital Added Main Line DAML stands for Directory Access Markup Language DAML stands for Dorchester Atlantic-Marine Limited (now Bernhard Schulte Shipmanagement; Isle of Man)


DAMOPP stands for Division of Atomic Molecular Optical and Plasma Physics (Institute of Physics; London, UK)


DANRD stands for Department of Alaska Native and Rural Development (University of Alaska Fairbanks)