Schools & Education

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DANSE stands for Data Analysis for Neutron Scattering Experiments (various universities) DANSE stands for Data Analysis of Neutron Scattering


DANSS stands for Distributed Algorithms Networking and Secure Systems (Hebrew University; Israel)


DARD stands for Department of Agriculture and Rural Development (UK) Dard stands for Dardic (linguistics) DARD stands for Droit au Respect et à la Dignité (French: Right to Respect and Dignity; political association) DARD stands for Dynamic Axial Resistance Device (fitness product) DARD stands for Division for the Application of Research Discoveries (US DHHS) DARD […]


DANTES stands for Defense Activity for Non-Traditional Education Support DANTES stands for Defense Activity for Non-Traditional Education Services DANTES stands for Demonstrate and Assess New Tools for Environmental Sustainability (2002-2005; EU Life-Environment)


DARES stands for Direction de l’Animation de la Recherche, des Études et des Statistiques (French: Directorate of Research, Studies and Statistics Coordination) DARES stands for Dutch Amateur Radio Emergency Service (The Netherlands) DARES stands for Direction de l’Animation de la Recherche et des Statistiques (French: Directorate of Animation Research and Statistics) DARES stands for Division […]


DAREIC stands for Délégation Académique aux Relations Européennes et Internationales et à la Coopération (French: Academic Delegation for European and International Relations and Cooperation) DAREIC stands for Délégué Académique aux Relations Européennes et Internationales et à la Coopération (French: Academic Delegate to European and International Relations and Cooperation)


DAOS  stands for Domino Attachment and Object Service DAOS  stands for Dame Alice Owen’s School (UK) DAOS stands for Design Approved Organisation Scheme (aerospace; UK) DAOS  stands for Dunstable Amateur Operatic Society (UK) DAOS  stands for Détachement ALAT (French Army Light Aviation) des Opérations Spéciales (French: Detachment for Special Operations; France)


DARIAH stands for Digital Research Infrastructure for the Arts and Humanities (The Netherlands)