Schools & Education

Schools, Colleges, Universities, Education, Research, Studies, Library and Degrees.


DARD stands for Department of Agriculture and Rural Development (UK) Dard stands for Dardic (linguistics) DARD stands for Droit au Respect et à la Dignité (French: Right to Respect and Dignity; political association) DARD stands for Dynamic Axial Resistance Device (fitness product) DARD stands for Division for the Application of Research Discoveries (US DHHS) DARD […]


DARES stands for Direction de l’Animation de la Recherche, des Études et des Statistiques (French: Directorate of Research, Studies and Statistics Coordination) DARES stands for Dutch Amateur Radio Emergency Service (The Netherlands) DARES stands for Direction de l’Animation de la Recherche et des Statistiques (French: Directorate of Animation Research and Statistics) DARES stands for Division […]


DAREIC stands for Délégation Académique aux Relations Européennes et Internationales et à la Coopération (French: Academic Delegation for European and International Relations and Cooperation) DAREIC stands for Délégué Académique aux Relations Européennes et Internationales et à la Coopération (French: Academic Delegate to European and International Relations and Cooperation)


DARIAH stands for Digital Research Infrastructure for the Arts and Humanities (The Netherlands)


DARLIN stands for Dutch Archive for Library and Information (Netherlands)


DARN stands for Dual Auroral Radar Network DARN stands for Disaster Amateur Radio Network (California) DARN stands for Duty Appointed Retention NCO (Non-Commissioned Officer; US Army) DARN stands for Diocese Amateur Radio Network (Florida) DARN stands for Developing Areas Research Network (Newcastle University; Newcastle upon Tyne, England, UK) DARN stands for Dayton Asperger Resource Network […]


DASE stands for Direction des Affaires Sociales et Educatives (French: Director of Social Affairs and Education) DASE stands for Design and Analysis of Simulation Experiments (statistics) DASE stands for Département Analyse, Surveillance, Environnement (French: Environmental Analysis and Monitoring Department) DASE stands for Department of Applied Sciences of Education (various organizations) DASE stands for Division Administrative […]


DASG stands for Depression and Anxiety Support Group (various locations) DASG stands for Domestic Abuse Support Group DASG stands for Deputy Assistant Secretary General (NATO) DASG stands for Digital Archive of Scottish Gaelic (UK) DASG stands for Danske Science Gymnasier (Danish: Danish Science Colleges) DASG stands for Data Analysis Services Group (National Center for Atmospheric […]


DASH stands for Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension DASH stands for Domestic Abuse, Stalking and Honour Based Violence (UK) DASH stands for Dynamic Adaptive Streaming Over HTTP DASH stands for Development Activities and Services for Health (Haiti) DASH stands for Division of Adolescent and School Health (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) DASH stands for […]