Schools & Education

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DATS stands for Drug & Alcohol Treatment Specialist (counseling) DATS stands for Dead At The Scene DATS stands for Dental Assistant Training School DATS stands for Digital Audio Transmission Service DATS stands for Data Automated Tower Simulator DATS stands for Defense Information System Network Access Transport Services DATS stands for Disabled Adults Transit Service DATS […]


DAU stands for Defense Acquisition University DAU stands for Daughter DAU stands for Daily Active User DAU stands for Document Administratif Unique (French: Single Administrative Document; EU) DAU stands for Dana Abadi Umat (Indonesian: Ummah Endowment Fund) DAU stands for Direction de l’Aménagement Urbain (French: Directorate of Urban Planning) DAU stands for Dümmster Anzunehmender User […]


DAUAA stands for Defense Acquisition University Alumni Association


DAUT stands for Durham Association of University Teachers


DAV stands for Davis (Amtrak station code; Davis, CA) DAV stands for Disabled American Veterans DAV stands for Distributed Authoring and Versioning (HTTP extensions; aka WebDAV) DAV stands for Deutscher Alpenverein (German Mountaineering Association) DAV stands for Deutscher Anwaltverein (German lawyers’ association) DAV stands for Der Audio Verlag (German audio publisher) DAV stands for Devi […]


DAVA stands for Dispositif Académique de Validation des Acquis (French: Prior Academic Accreditation) DAVA stands for Downtown Aurora Visual Arts (est. 1993; Aurora, CO) DAVA stands for Disabled American Veterans Auxiliary DAVA stands for Defense Audiovisual Agency DAVA stands for Distributed Active Vibration Absorber (mechanical engineering) DAVA stands for Data Analytics and Value Assessment (oncology) […]


DAVE stands for Digital Audio Video Experience (trademark of Seagate Technology) DAVE stands for Digital Application Virtual Engineer (Infineon Technologies) DAVE stands for Digital Atlas of Video Education (teaching tools) DAVE stands for Digital Audio Video Entertainment DAVE stands for Department of Audio-Visual Education DAVE stands for Data Addition Verification & Editing DAVE stands for […]


DAVI stands for Department of Audio-Visual Instruction (various schools) DAVI stands for Defense Against Viral Infection DAVI stands for Dynamic Antivisual Information


DAVIET stands for Dav Institute of Engineering and Technology (India)


DAVL stands for Délégué Académique à la Vie Lycéenne (French: Academic High School Life Delegate; various schools) DAVL stands for Data Available-Low