Schools & Education

Schools, Colleges, Universities, Education, Research, Studies, Library and Degrees.


DATIC stands for Data Analysis Training Institute of Connecticut (Storrs, Connecticut) DATIC stands for Digital Advertising Transfer Industry Committee


DATLE stands for Departmental Award for Teaching and Learning Excellence (North Carolina State University)


SZUS stands for Sukromna Zakladna Umelecka Skola (Slovak: Private Elementary Art School)


LZUU stands for Lietuvos Zemes Ukio Universitetas (Lithuanian: Lithuanian University of Agriculture)


JALT stands for Japan Association for Language Teaching JALT stands for Journal of Arabic Linguistics Tradition JALT stands for Journal of Accelerated Learning and Teaching JALT stands for Japanese Antiarrhythmics Long-Term Study (cardiology) JALT stands for Jitter Attenuator Limit Trip JALT stands for Journal of the Association of Law Teachers


DARU stands for Democracy in Africa Research Unit (Centre for Social Science Research; University of Cape Town; Cape Town, South Africa) DARU stands for Drug Addiction Research Unit DARU stands for Davis Arbovirus Research Unit (University of California, Davis) DARU stands for Distributed Automatic Response Unit


DASA stands for Deutsche Arbeitsschutzausstellung (German occupational safety exhibition) DASA stands for Division of Alcohol and Substance Abuse DASA stands for Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army DASA stands for Deutsche Aerospace DASA stands for Daimler-Benz Aerospace AG (German Company) DASA stands for Dépendants Affectifs et Sexuels Anonymes (French: Emotional and Sexual Addicts Anonymous) DASA […]


DASAM stands for Deaf Addiction Services at Maryland (University of Maryland at Baltimore)


DASAN stands for Deutsche Auslandsschularbeit am Netz (German: German International School Work on the Net)


DASKC stands for De Anza Shotokan Karate Club (De Anza College; California)