Schools & Education

Schools, Colleges, Universities, Education, Research, Studies, Library and Degrees.


DASSH stands for Diploma in Applied Social Sciences and Humanities (Langara College; Vancouver, Canada) DASSH stands for Data Archive for Seabed Species and Habitats (Marine Biological Association; UK) DASSH stands for Australian Council of Deans of Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities


DAST stands for Dental Assisting (coursework) DAST stands for Dassault Systemes SA DAST stands for Drug Abuse Screening Test DAST stands for diethylaminosulfur trifluoride DAST stands for Draw-a-Scientist Test DAST stands for Department of Arts, Sport and Tourism (Ireland) DAST stands for Derbyshire Asbestos Support Team DAST stands for Développement Durable, Aménagement, Société, Territoire (French: […]


DASTS stands for Danish Association for Science and Technology Studies DASTS stands for Deployed Acoustic Sensor Training System


DASU stands for Dansk Automobil Sports Union (Denmark) DASU stands for Direction des Affaires Scolaires et Universitaires (French: Directorate of School and University Affairs; Mayotte) DASU stands for Design and Advice Support Unit (rural energy research project; EU) DASU stands for Disaster Ambulance Support Unit (California) DASU stands for Decentralization Advisory Support Unit (Nepal; UN) […]


DASV stands for Déchets d’Activités de Soins Vétérinaires (French: Waste from Veterinary Care Activities; regulation) DASV stands for Dachverband Archäologischer Studierendenvertretungen (German: Federation of Archaeological Student Representatives) DASV stands for Deutsch-Amerikanischer Schützenverein (German: German-American Marksmanship Club; Auburn Hills, MI)


CAFS stands for Community and Family Studies CAFS stands for Centre for African Family Studies CAFS stands for Compressed Air Foam System CAFS stands for Conflict-Affected Fragile State (UN) CAFS stands for Conotruncal Anomaly Face Syndrome CAFS stands for Certified Air Filter Specialist CAFS stands for Chinese Academy of Fishery Science (est. 1978) CAFS stands […]


CAFSBM stands for Collegial Assembly of the Fox School of Business and Management (Temple University; Philadelphia, PA)


CAFSIS stands for Course and Faculty Schedule Information System (Princeton)


CAFTS stands for Center for Advanced Film and Television Studies