Schools & Education

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DATA stands for Accountability and Trust Act DATA stands for Durham Area Transit Authority (Durham, NC) DATA stands for Design and Technology Association (UK) DATA stands for Drug Addiction Treatment Act of 2000 DATA stands for Drug Alcohol Traffic Awareness DATA stands for Debt, AIDS and Trade in Africa (humanitarian organization) DATA stands for Analysis […]


DATC stands for Dread at the Controls (radio program) DATC stands for Dual Automatic Temperature Control (vehicles) DATC stands for Davis Applied Technology College (Kaysville, Utah) DATC stands for Development and Training Center (US Navy) DATC stands for Duncannon Appalachian Trail Community DATC stands for Design Automation Technical Committee (IEEE) DATC stands for Diplôme d’Acupuncture […]


DATCOB stands for D. Abbott Turner College Of Business (Columbus State University, Columbus, GA)


DATH stands for Denver Alliance on Tobacco and Health (Colorado) DATH stands for Display Abbreviated Trouble History DATH stands for Dublin Academic Teaching Hospital


CAFRE stands for College of Agriculture, Food and Rural Enterprise (UK)


CaFRC stands for Child and Family Research Centre (University of Nottingham; UK)


MZV stands for Multiple Zeta Values (mathematics) MZV stands for Mulu, Malaysia – Mulu Airport (Airport Code) MZV stands for Ministerstvo Zahranicnich Veci (Czech: Ministry of Foreign Affairs)


DATE stands for Design, Automation, and Test in Europe (Conference) DATE stands for Decisive Action Training Environment (US DoD) DATE stands for Drug, Alcohol, and Tobacco Education DATE stands for Drug, Alcohol, Traffic Education (Florida, USA) DATE stands for Dynamics, Acoustics and Thermal Environment (NASA experiment) DATE stands for Dance Actually Threatens Everybody (Kids Next […]