Schools & Education

Schools, Colleges, Universities, Education, Research, Studies, Library and Degrees.


DATEC stands for Developmentally Appropriate Technology for Early Childhood (study; various countries) DATEC stands for Data Technical (AT&T Tier 2 Data Support) DATEC stands for Dingle Agricultural and Technical College (Dingle, Iloilo, Philippines)


CAFLS stands for College of Agriculture Forestry and Life Sciences (Clemson University; Clemson, SC) CAFLS stands for Chicago Area Foundation for Legal Services (est. 1982; Chicago, IL)


CAFNR stands for College of Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources


CAFOC stands for Centre Académique de Formation Continue (French: Academic Center for Continuing Education)


stands for AHMS stands for Austrian Holocaust Memorial Service (Austria) AHMS stands for Aurora Hills Middle School (Colorado) AHMS stands for Advanced Health Management System (NASA) stands for AHMS stands for Adele Harrison Middle School (Sonoma, CA) AHMS stands for Association Hockey Mineur Soulanges (French: Soulanges Minor Hockey Association; Soulanges, Canada) AHMS stands for Atom Heart Mother Suite (Pink Floyd song) […]


CAG stands for Conagra Foods (stock symbol) CAG stands for Community Advisory Group (EPA) CAG stands for Comptroller and Auditor General CAG stands for Canadian Association of Gastroenterology CAG stands for Cheap Ass Gamer (website) CAG stands for Carp Anglers Group CAG stands for Carrier Air Group CAG stands for Chronic Atrophic Gastritis (stomach) CAG […]


CAGA stands for Capital Area Greenbelt Association (Pennsylvania) CAGA stands for Canadian Amputee Golf Association CAGA stands for Clustering-Based Adaptive Genetic Algorithm (heredity) CAGA stands for Club Alpine Gordini Ariégeois (French automobile club) CAGA stands for Compact Area Group Approach (farmer participatory agricultural extension approach) CAGA stands for Cost to Acquire per Gross Add (Sprint) […]


CAGAS stands for Council on Admission Graduation and Academic Standards (Western Illinois University)


CAGI stands for Compressed Air & Gas Institute CAGI stands for Community Action of Greater Indianapolis (Indianapolis, IN) CAGI stands for Consultative Association of Guyanese Industry CAGI stands for Comptroller and Auditor General of India CAGI stands for Carp Anglers Group Invitational (est. 2003) CAGI stands for Computer Aided Grid Interface (computer aided design software)


CAGIS stands for Canadian Association for Girls in Science (Ontario, Canada) CaGIS stands for Cartography and Geographic Information Society CAGIS stands for Cincinnati Area Geographic Information System CAGIS stands for Chicago Area Geographic Information Study (University of Illinois) CAGIS stands for Computer Assistance Guidance Information Software