Schools & Education

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CAHEP stands for Community Arts and Heritage Education Project (est. 1999; Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada) CAHEP stands for Colorado Asian Health Education and Promotion CAHEP stands for Capital Area Healthcare Education Partnership (Michigan)


CAHES stands for Caritas Adult and Higher Education Service (Hong Kong)


CAHFS stands for California Animal Health and Food Safety (University of California, Davis) CAHFS stands for Center for Animal Health and Food Safety (University of Minnesota; St. Paul, MN)


CAHMC stands for Centre Aquitain Histoire Moderne Contemporaine (French: Center for Study of Modern and Contemporary Worlds)


CAHN stands for Capital Area Health Network (Richmond, VA) CAHN stands for College of Allied Health and Nursing (Minnesota State Univeresity; Mankato, MN) CAHN stands for California Association of Hostage Negotiators (Cotati, CA) CAHN stands for Critical Access Hospital Network


CAHNRS stands for College of Agricultural, Human, and Natural Resource Sciences


CAHO stands for Columbia American History Online (Columbia University) CAHO stands for Council of Academic Hospitals of Ontario (formerly Ontario Council of Teaching Hospitals; Toronto, Ontario, Canada) CAHO stands for Centre for the Archaeology of Human Origins (UK) CAHO stands for Central African Healthcare Organization


CAHP stands for California Association of Health Plans (trade association; Sacramento, CA) CAHP stands for California Association of Highway Patrolmen CAHP stands for Center for Animal Health and Productivity (University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine) CAHP stands for Cooperative Actions for Health Program CAHP stands for Childhood Arthritis Health Profile CAHP stands for European […]


CAHPERD stands for Canadian Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (Ottawa, Ontario, Canada) CAHPERD stands for California Association of Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance CAHPERD stands for Colorado Association of Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance


CAHRS stands for Center for Advanced Human Resource Studies (Cornell University ILR School) CAHRS stands for Certified Assessment of Human Resources Systems (National Academy of Public Administration; University of California)