Schools & Education

Schools, Colleges, Universities, Education, Research, Studies, Library and Degrees.


DCARE stands for Dartmouth Center on Addiction, Recovery and Education (Dartmouth College; Hanover, NH) DCARE stands for Dalmatian Club of America Rescue Education (Naples, FL)


DCAS stands for Department of Citywide Administrative Services (New York City) DCAS stands for Dublin College of Advanced Studies (Ireland; est. 2007) DCAS stands for Distributed, Collaborative, Adaptive Sensing (networks) DCAS stands for Downloadable Conditional Access System (digital television) DCAS stands for Delaware County Aquarium Society (Springfield, PA) DCAS stands for Defense Contract Administration Services […]


DCATE stands for Dewey Chambers Academy for Technology in Education


DCAVM stands for District of Columbia Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Washington, DC)


DCAWP stands for District of Columbia Area Writing Project (Howard University; Washington, DC)


DCBE stands for Double Contrast Barium Enema DCBE stands for Double Contrast Barium Enema Examination (gastroenterology) DCBE stands for De Cordova Bend Estates (Granbury, TX) DCBE stands for Division of Consumer and Business Education (US FTC) DCBE stands for Data Control Block Extension DCBE stands for Deproteinized Calf-Blood Extract


DCBL stands for Dalmia Cement Bharat Ltd. (India) DCBL stands for Del City Branch Library (Oklahoma City, OK)


DCBS stands for Department of Consumer and Business Services (Oregon) DCBS stands for Department for Community Based Services DCBS stands for Deutscher Club für Berner Sennenhunde e.V. (German: German Club for Bernese Mountain Dogs e.V.) DCBS stands for Devon Cattle Breeders’ Society (UK) DCBS stands for Discount Comic Book Service (Fort Wayne, IN) DCBS stands […]


DCBT stands for Deutscher Club für Bullterrier e.V. (German: German Club for Bull Terriers e.V.) DCBT stands for Data Cache Block Touch DCBT stands for Docklands Canal Boat Trust (UK) DCBT stands for Demmer Center for Business Transformation (Michigan State University) DCBT stands for Digital Camera Beginners Tutorial DCBT stands for Dedicated Clean Ballast Tanks


DCC stands for Data Compression Conference DCC stands for Digital Command Control (see NMRA) DCC stands for Dynamic Currency Conversion (credit card service) DCC stands for Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders DCC stands for Delgado Community College (Louisiana) DCC stands for Dhaka City Corporation DCC stands for Digital Content Creation DCC stands for Digital Curation Centre (UK) […]