Schools & Education

Schools, Colleges, Universities, Education, Research, Studies, Library and Degrees.


DALS stands for Downed Aviator Locator System (US DoD) DALS stands for Dental Advanced Life Support (medical course) DALS stands for Director of Army Legal Services (various armed forces) DALS stands for Distributed Adaptive Learning System (web-based learning system) DALS stands for Distress Alerting and Locating System DALS stands for Draw-a-Line Slowly Test (impulsivity) DALS […]


DAMARS stands for Designs and Models for Aquatic Resource Surveys (Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR)


DAMIR stands for Defense Acquisition Management Information Retrieval (US Department of Defense) DAMIR stands for Data Management and Information Retrieval (degree; various universities)


CAEW BOCES stands for Cattaraugus-Allegany-Erie-Wyoming Board of Cooperative Educational Services (Olean, NY)


CAEYC stands for California Association for the Education of Young Children CAEYC stands for Colorado Association for the Education of Young Children CAEYC stands for Connecticut Association for the Education of Young Children (Hamden, CT)


CAF stands for CAN (Controller Area Network) Arbitration Field CAF stands for Common Assessment Framework CAF stands for Confederation of African Football CAF stands for Charities Aid Foundation CAF stands for Commemorative Air Force (formerly Confederate Air Force) CAF stands for Challenged Athletes Foundation CAF stands for Central African Republic (ISO Country code) CAF stands […]


CAFAS stands for Child & Adolescent Functional Assessment Scale CAFAS stands for Council for Academic Freedom and Academic Standards (UK)


CAFC stands for Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit CAFC stands for Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre CAFC stands for US Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit CAFC stands for Canadian Association of Fire Chiefs CAFC stands for Charlton Athletic Football Club (UK) CAFC stands for Commission for Assistance to a Free Cuba CAFC stands […]


CAFCE stands for Canadian Association for Cooperative Education (Ontario)


CAFDES stands for Certificat d’Aptitude à la Fonction de Directeur d’Etablissement Social (French: Social Institution Manager Certificate)